Immunization Support for our Individuals

Dear supporters,

We are asking for your assistance as we continue to advocate to ensure all people with developmental disabilities receive the COVID-19 vaccination in a timely manner.

Although we have been informed that people living in our residences will be included in the Phase 1a of the immunization program, many people who are not residing in a congregate living setting, who are still at extremely high risk of contracting COVID-19 are not currently included in the immunization rollout plan.

We have prepared the draft letter (below) for your review and use if you wish to send a letter to your local MLA. As well, please find a link below to a listing to help you find your local MLA if required.

MLA Address 


Attention:         Local MLA


Dear MLA,


As my MLA, I am writing to you as a concerned supporter of the Winnifred Stewart Association (WSA). WSA is an Edmonton based not-for-profit organization under contract with the Government of Alberta to deliver critical 24/7 residential support for adults with developmental disabilities in licensed supportive living homes. They also provide employment and community access support for adults with developmental disabilities through their Day Services program.


Thank you for the hard work of you and your team to help keep as many Albertan's safe throughout this pandemic as possible. Since the pandemic began, we have been genuinely grateful for the support and resources provided by Alberta Health Services and the Alberta Government.


I am aware of the Government's phased immunization program for COVID-19 vaccines and understand through the rollout plan that the intention is to vaccinate the most vulnerable Albertans between January and March 2021.


The Albertans supported by WSA are among the most vulnerable to COVID-19 and are at high risk of experiencing severe outcomes should they become infected.


Thank you for the recent notification that staff members and people living in licensed supportive living settings will be included in the first phase of immunizations. This will go a long way in keeping many people safe.


I am writing to you today to ensure all people with developmental disabilities and their direct support staff are included in Phase 1a of vaccinations.


Although many of these individuals may not be living in congregate settings, in most cases they are living at home with elderly parents, working in high-risk environments (service industry), require public transportation (DATS) for all travel needs, and are in general, at high risk of contracting the virus, and experiencing severe outcomes once they become infected due to age or preexisting conditions. 


As of January 11th, we have not been advised when the larger population of Albertans who have developmental disabilities will receive their vaccinations. To date, WSA has seen four (4) people that they support through their programs pass away due to COVID-19. That’s four too many.


One of the things we Albertan's can be most proud of is our ability and determination to care for and protect our most vulnerable.


I am asking you to please ensure that all people with developmental disabilities and their direct support staff are included in Phase 1a of vaccinations. Please help us stop the rapid spread of the virus in our community so we do not continue to lose lives.


Again, thank you for your leadership as Alberta navigates this unprecedented and challenging time in our history and thank you for your consideration of this request.





c.c.      Honourable Rajan Sawhney

Minister, Community and Social Services


c.c.      Local MLA






Direct Support Professionals; our everyday hereos

Direct Support.png

Over the past nine months, WSA's Direct Support Professionals have continued to go above and beyond to support adults with developmental disabilities in our community.

As the virus continues to spread at a rapid rate, our brave staff continue to forge ahead, to provide unparalleled care to the people they have dedicated their careers to support.

This year has come with more fear, stress and grief than we have ever experienced before, and every day, our staff continue on with grace and compassion.

Thank you to our staff and all Direct Support Professionals who put others' lives before their own to ensure that people with developmental disabilities can continue to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives.

#DirectSupportProfessionals #DirectSupportHeros #WSAFamily #COVID19

Join us on December 10th for a Family & Guardian Virtual Town Hall


Please join us on Dec 10 @ 7pm for a virtual family/guardian town hall for Residential and Day Services, hosted by Sue Gilchrist, CEO. We'll be discussing the day program suspension and Christmas visits for Residential Services.

Time: Dec 10, 2020 07:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Phone: 1-587-328-1099

Meeting ID: 897 8267 4841

Passcode: 075900

We hope to see you there!

RELEASE: EE Football Club’s 50/50 Event, Sponsored by Sentinel Storage, Raises Record Breaking, $991,800

For Immediate Release
Monday, November 23, 2020

Edmonton, AB - The Winnifred Stewart Association is overwhelmed by the community’s support of the EE Football Club's 50/50 event, in support of WSA's Joey Moss Memorial Fund.

On Sunday, November 22, the EE Football Club hosted an Alberta-wide online 50/50 event, sponsored by Sentinel Storage, in support of WSA’s Joey Moss Memorial Fund, with a total pot value of $991,800. The largest 50/50 in the Team’s history was $871,839, set at the July 14, 2017 home game against Ottawa.

With the owner of the winning ticket bringing home $495,900, the EE Football Club will be donating the remainder of the earnings, nearly half a million, to the Winnifred Stewart Association's Joey Moss Memorial Fund.

“We are beyond grateful to the EE Football Club and each and every Albertan who purchased a 50/50 ticket today. The outpouring of community spirit is overwhelming. The support in honour of Joey Moss to continue his legacy of advocating for people with developmental disabilities will truly make a difference is so many people’s lives.” says, Sue Gilchrist, CEO for the Winnifred Stewart Association.


Funds raised by Winnifred Stewart Association's Joey Moss Memorial Fund will be used to continue Joey's legacy of advocating for employment and other meaningful opportunities for people with developmental disabilities by:

  • Launching an awareness campaign to promote the value of employing people with developmental disabilities

  • Fostering employment & entrepreneurship opportunities for people with developmental disabilities

  • Supporting the success of programs focused on employment and other meaningful opportunities for people with developmental disabilities

For more information about the 50/50 event, as well as the winning ticket number, please visit

Media Contact:
Candace Smallwood
Director of Development & Communications
Winnifred Stewart Association & Foundation


RELEASE: EE Football Club Hosts 50/50 Event in Support of Joey Moss Memorial Fund

For Immediate Release 
Friday, November 13, 2020 

Edmonton, AB - The Winnifred Stewart Association is honoured to be selected as the recipient of the upcoming EE Football Club's 50/50, sponsored by Sentinel Storage, as they continue to celebrate Joey's Memory.  

On Sunday, November 22, with what would have been the 108th Grey Cup game, the EE Football Club will be hosting a 50/50 event which will coincide with a live stream of the Team's 8th Championship win at the 68th Grey Cup game, originally aired on November 23, 1980.  

The Alberta-wide online fundraising event will run from 10:00 am MST until 8:00 pm MST on November 22, with all net proceeds donated to the Winnifred Stewart Association in support of the Joey Moss Memorial Fund.  

"Joey meant a lot to this City. A 50/50 of this magnitude has the potential to change a lot of people's lives. We're excited to be working with the EE Football Club to continue Joey's legacy." says Candace Smallwood, Director of Development for the Winnifred Stewart Association and Foundation. 

The Joey Moss Memorial Fund was created after Joey's passing on October 26, in response to Joey's family's request for donations in lieu of flowers, to be provided to the Winnifred Stewart Association.  

"It's been incredible to see the memories and tributes being shared since Joey's passing, like Joey's name being painted on to the field of Commonwealth Stadium. We're grateful to be working with the Moss family to now create a fund in Joey's memory that can really make a difference and increase the quality of life for people with developmental disabilities. The EE Football Club hosting this 50/50 in honour of Joey could really help make that happen," says Candace.  

Commonwealth Stadium, Edmonton, AB

Commonwealth Stadium, Edmonton, AB


Funds raised by Winnifred Stewart Association's Joey Moss Memorial Fund will be used to continue Joey's legacy of advocating for employment and other meaningful opportunities for people with developmental disabilities by: 

  • Launching an awareness campaign to promote the value of employing people with developmental disabilities 

  • Fostering employment & entrepreneurship opportunities for people with developmental disabilities 

  • Supporting the success of programs focused on employment and other meaningful opportunities for people with developmental disabilities 

Thank you to the EE Football Club for partnering with us to help make this fund a reality. For full details or to purchase tickets on November 22, please visit

AGLC Raffle License # 566618 

Media Contact: 
Candace Smallwood 
Director of Development & Communications 
Winnifred Stewart Association & Foundation 

The Passing of Joey Moss - Official Statement

Joey with trophey.jpg

Statement from the family:

It is with deep sadness that the family announces the passing of Joey Moss. Joey passed away peacefully on October 26th at the age of 57 with his family by his side.

Joey was a remarkable person who taught us to love, laugh, and enjoy life always. While Joey is most recognized as the dressing room attendant for the Edmonton Oilers and the Edmonton Football Team, and singing the national anthem; Joey is also remembered for his incredible dance moves and putting a smile on your face when you are feeling down.

Joey’s 35 years tenure with the Edmonton Oilers and the Edmonton Football Team shows his dedication and loyalty to the jobs that he loved. His strong work ethic and contributions were rewarded, as he was presented with an NHL All-Star Award, Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Award, and was inducted into the Alberta Sports Hall of Fame, just to name a few.

We would like to thank the City of Edmonton and everyone who supported and embraced Joey.  

We hope that Joey's legacy will continue on through the Edmonton Oilers, Edmonton Football Team, and all professional sports clubs and workplaces, as we continue to recognize the contributions that people with developmental disabilities make in our society, as integral members of the workforce.

In lieu of flowers, the Moss family requests a donation be made to the Winnifred Stewart Foundation.

Although we know how important Joey was not just to his close friends and family, but our City as a whole, we ask that the family's privacy please be respected at this time.


Statement from Winnifred Stewart Association:

On behalf of everyone at Winnifred Stewart Association and Foundation, we are deeply saddened by the news of Joey’s passing. Joey and his family have been involved with the Winnifred Stewart Association for so many years, and he has touched the hearts of us all.

Joey was an inspiration to many and was an ambassador for people with developmental disabilities. This loss will be felt far and wide, and we are so grateful for the time we had with him.

Our deepest sympathy goes out to Joey’s family, his friends and all of Edmonton during this difficult time.

-        Winnifred Stewart Association & Foundation


Joey Moss & Friends Walk-Athon

This year, due to the current pandemic situation, we have had to postpone The 3rd Annual Joey Moss & Friends Golf Classic. As many of you know, this is our biggest fundraising event of the year and an amazing day for everyone to come together and celebrate the great work and people of WSA.

Because we are unable to run this event until 2021, we have started up in lieu and are excited to announce:

The Joey Moss & Friends Walk-Athon 2020!

When: Thursday, August 20th - Sunday, August 24th, 2020

What: A virtual 5km or 10km walk/run. Complete your course in 1 day or over 4 days! We will unite in spirit, not in person!

Where: Wherever you are! Around your community, in Edmonton's River Valley, down the street or around the block. Walk or Run!

How: Register as an individual, family or a virtual team – start your fundraising effort today! 

Fundraising Goals:

Level 1 (Supporter):

  • $100 raised per Person

  • $400 raised per Team (2+)

Level 2 (Contributor):

  • $250 raised per Person

  • $1,000 raised per Team (2+)

Level 3 (Partner):

  • $500 per Person

  • $2,000 per Team (2+)

Level 4 (Benefactor)

  • $1,000 per person

  • $4,000 per Team (2+)

Level 5 (Visionary):

  • $1,000+ per person

  • $4,000+ per Team (2+)

Each participant who reaches the supporter level, will receive a complimentary event T-shirt! Additional prizes will be awarded based on fundraising levels reached. Once signed up and closer to the event, we will provide you with information to track your 5km or 10km walk/run!

Participant packages and qualifying prizes will be delivered prior to the event.

To find out more and to register, please check out: Or E-mail

WSA Town Hall Meeting On June 12th, 2020 at 5:00pm

Dear Family Members, Guardians and Caregivers,

Please join Winnifred Stewart Association’s CEO, Sue Gilchrist, for a Virtual Town Hall Meeting on Friday, June 12th, 2020, at 5 pm. It is your opportunity to get updates on our services and to ask any questions.

Following are four ways you can log into the meeting on Zoom; please choose one of them:

  1. One-Click on your computer!

To join Sue on Zoom, please click on the following link at 5 pm:

  1. Log into and type in the following codes:

Meeting ID:         391 612 8237

Password:           13573

  1. One tap mobile:

+16475580588,,3916128237# Canada

+17789072071,,3916128237# Canada

  1. Join the meeting on your phone:

Phone: 1 (587) 328-1099 

Meeting ID: 391 612 8237

Password: 13573

If you are unable to attend this Virtual Town Hall Meeting, and you have questions for Sue, please don’t hesitate to call her at 780-453-6707 e251 or send her an email at

Update: Winnifred Stewart Association Day and Residential Programs

In our efforts to protect the health and well-being of the individuals we support, our staff and the community, Winnifred Stewart Association continues to follow PDD’s and Alberta Health Services’ guidelines to slow the spread of COVID-19.

Re: Day Services Extended Closure
We are extending the suspension of our Day Services program until May 31st, 2020. This date is subject to change and is contingent on Alberta’s Chief Medical Officer of Health’s decisions for service providers such as ours.

Re: Residential Services’ Outdoor Visits
In the Record of Decision – CMOH Order 14-2020 (Appendix A), there is a significant amendment to the order that will improve the quality of life and mental health for many WSA residents, their family and loved ones. Though visitors are still not allowed entry into our residences, we are permitted to support residents to have outdoor visits with a designated visitor and one other guest (i.e., a maximum group of three, including the resident) on WSA property. A resident or their alternate decision-maker (e.g. their guardian) selects who will be a designated visitor. Residents who are not required to be isolated and can observe physical distancing requirements of two metres are encouraged to have outdoor visits with loved ones. Please arrange a day and time to visit by contacting the residential staff or supervisor; they will review the necessary protocols, like health assessment checks, for a visit.

We will continue to provide updates by phone, email or mail if the situation changes, and please contact us at any time with your questions or concerns at 780-453-6707. For ongoing updates about the COVID-19 situation, please visit our website at Thank you for your continuing support during the pandemic.

Day Services Closure Extended to April 30, 2020

In our efforts to protect the health and well-being of the individuals we support, our staff and the community, Winnifred Stewart Association continues to follow the recommendations and direction from PDD and Alberta Health Services. One directive is to extend the suspension of WSA’s Day Services program until April 30th, 2020; however, this date is subject to change pending how this pandemic evolves.

We will continue to provide updates by phone, email or mail if the situation changes, and please contact us at any time with your questions or concerns at 780-453-6707.

We invite all family members, guardians and caregivers to join our CEO, Sue Gilchrist, at 6 pm for a daily conference call to answer any questions you may have about the current pandemic and the impact on WSA.

Thank you for your support in slowing the spread of this virus.

Stay well,

Sue Gilchrist,