Request for Service

Winnifred Stewart provides services to individuals with diverse abilities who are eligible for funding from the Persons with Developmental Disabilities Board - Edmonton Region (PDD).

PDD provides supports to adults who have a "developmental disability," which PDD defines as "a state of functioning that begins in childhood and is characterized by significant limitations in both intellectual capacity and adaptive skills."

On July 1, 2009, a new PDD Eligibility regulation came into effect in Alberta . Individuals who apply to the PDD program as of August 1, 2009, will be assessed for eligibility under the new regulation. The regulation is consistent with the PDD program's current eligibility policy and defines what constitutes a significant limitation.

Eligibility for supports from the PDD program is not based on a person's diagnosis, such as autism or Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).

Eligibility is based on significant limitations in two areas: intellectual capacity and adaptive skills (daily living skills).

  • For intellectual capacity it will be a full-scale IQ of 70 or below.

  • For adaptive skills, an inventory of 24 typical daily living skills has been developed. Significant limitation in adaptive skills will be defined by the need for help to perform six or more of these skills, at a level compared with someone who is not disabled.

  • Both must have existed prior to the age of 18.

For more information on PDD eligibility requirements, please visit their website.

All requests for service from Winnifred Stewart are directed through WS's program managers/coordinators. In the event a vacancy is available the applicant will be asked to complete an Application for Service. This document provides a background of the individual's life experiences, as well as an overview of his/her current support requirements.

The program manager/coordinator will review all applications to determine if the requested service meets the applicant's needs, and will inform each applicant of their decision.

Once accepted in the program, the "Creating Meaningful Lives" planning process, WS's individualized planning program, will be initiated.

For further information and/or to book a tour, please call 780-453-6707 or email us.

Looking for information on funding for housing support?

The Alberta Supports Contact Centre (ASCC) is now the Government of Alberta’s main resource for Albertans who require information on housing supports.  

The ASCC, which falls under the responsibility of Alberta Community and Social Services, is a centralized point of contact for Albertans seeking information on employment, disability, financial, healthcare, housing and homelessness, childcare, seniors, guardianship and trusteeship, and abuse and bullying prevention services and programs.  Establishing the ASCC as the government’s main portal for all housing-related inquiries will help ensure Albertans in need are assisted in a holistic and efficient manner through the provision of referrals and information on all relevant social programs from a single point of contact.

For more information, please contact:

  • 1-877-644-9992 (toll-free province wide);

  • 1-800-232-7215 (TTY province wide, ask to speak to Alberta Supports); and

  • 780-427-9999 (TTY Edmonton, ask to speak to Alberta Supports).