Immunization Support for our Individuals

Dear supporters,

We are asking for your assistance as we continue to advocate to ensure all people with developmental disabilities receive the COVID-19 vaccination in a timely manner.

Although we have been informed that people living in our residences will be included in the Phase 1a of the immunization program, many people who are not residing in a congregate living setting, who are still at extremely high risk of contracting COVID-19 are not currently included in the immunization rollout plan.

We have prepared the draft letter (below) for your review and use if you wish to send a letter to your local MLA. As well, please find a link below to a listing to help you find your local MLA if required.

MLA Address 


Attention:         Local MLA


Dear MLA,


As my MLA, I am writing to you as a concerned supporter of the Winnifred Stewart Association (WSA). WSA is an Edmonton based not-for-profit organization under contract with the Government of Alberta to deliver critical 24/7 residential support for adults with developmental disabilities in licensed supportive living homes. They also provide employment and community access support for adults with developmental disabilities through their Day Services program.


Thank you for the hard work of you and your team to help keep as many Albertan's safe throughout this pandemic as possible. Since the pandemic began, we have been genuinely grateful for the support and resources provided by Alberta Health Services and the Alberta Government.


I am aware of the Government's phased immunization program for COVID-19 vaccines and understand through the rollout plan that the intention is to vaccinate the most vulnerable Albertans between January and March 2021.


The Albertans supported by WSA are among the most vulnerable to COVID-19 and are at high risk of experiencing severe outcomes should they become infected.


Thank you for the recent notification that staff members and people living in licensed supportive living settings will be included in the first phase of immunizations. This will go a long way in keeping many people safe.


I am writing to you today to ensure all people with developmental disabilities and their direct support staff are included in Phase 1a of vaccinations.


Although many of these individuals may not be living in congregate settings, in most cases they are living at home with elderly parents, working in high-risk environments (service industry), require public transportation (DATS) for all travel needs, and are in general, at high risk of contracting the virus, and experiencing severe outcomes once they become infected due to age or preexisting conditions. 


As of January 11th, we have not been advised when the larger population of Albertans who have developmental disabilities will receive their vaccinations. To date, WSA has seen four (4) people that they support through their programs pass away due to COVID-19. That’s four too many.


One of the things we Albertan's can be most proud of is our ability and determination to care for and protect our most vulnerable.


I am asking you to please ensure that all people with developmental disabilities and their direct support staff are included in Phase 1a of vaccinations. Please help us stop the rapid spread of the virus in our community so we do not continue to lose lives.


Again, thank you for your leadership as Alberta navigates this unprecedented and challenging time in our history and thank you for your consideration of this request.





c.c.      Honourable Rajan Sawhney

Minister, Community and Social Services


c.c.      Local MLA