For Immediate Release
Friday, November 13, 2020
Edmonton, AB - The Winnifred Stewart Association is honoured to be selected as the recipient of the upcoming EE Football Club's 50/50, sponsored by Sentinel Storage, as they continue to celebrate Joey's Memory.
On Sunday, November 22, with what would have been the 108th Grey Cup game, the EE Football Club will be hosting a 50/50 event which will coincide with a live stream of the Team's 8th Championship win at the 68th Grey Cup game, originally aired on November 23, 1980.
The Alberta-wide online fundraising event will run from 10:00 am MST until 8:00 pm MST on November 22, with all net proceeds donated to the Winnifred Stewart Association in support of the Joey Moss Memorial Fund.
"Joey meant a lot to this City. A 50/50 of this magnitude has the potential to change a lot of people's lives. We're excited to be working with the EE Football Club to continue Joey's legacy." says Candace Smallwood, Director of Development for the Winnifred Stewart Association and Foundation.
The Joey Moss Memorial Fund was created after Joey's passing on October 26, in response to Joey's family's request for donations in lieu of flowers, to be provided to the Winnifred Stewart Association.
"It's been incredible to see the memories and tributes being shared since Joey's passing, like Joey's name being painted on to the field of Commonwealth Stadium. We're grateful to be working with the Moss family to now create a fund in Joey's memory that can really make a difference and increase the quality of life for people with developmental disabilities. The EE Football Club hosting this 50/50 in honour of Joey could really help make that happen," says Candace.
Commonwealth Stadium, Edmonton, AB
Funds raised by Winnifred Stewart Association's Joey Moss Memorial Fund will be used to continue Joey's legacy of advocating for employment and other meaningful opportunities for people with developmental disabilities by:
Launching an awareness campaign to promote the value of employing people with developmental disabilities
Fostering employment & entrepreneurship opportunities for people with developmental disabilities
Supporting the success of programs focused on employment and other meaningful opportunities for people with developmental disabilities
Thank you to the EE Football Club for partnering with us to help make this fund a reality. For full details or to purchase tickets on November 22, please visit .
AGLC Raffle License # 566618
Media Contact:
Candace Smallwood
Director of Development & Communications
Winnifred Stewart Association & Foundation