Accreditation and Professional Memberships

Our organization is committed to providing a higher quality of life for people with diverse abilities, while ensuring the trust the public places in us to fulfill our vision and mission is upheld. As such, WS maintains professional memberships in institutions that help to elevate our level of service to the community.



Winnifred Stewart is an active member of the Alberta Council of Disability Services (ACDS), which means that as an organization, we adhere to the ACDS Ethical Principles.

We are accredited through ACDS’s Creating Excellence Together (CET) Level 1. Through accreditation, we hold our staff to a higher level of accountability, ensuring we are providing the best quality of life for the people we support.


Our Director of Finance is a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA). Our finance team and Board Treasurers strictly follow the practices of the International Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants in all matters of finance for our Association and Foundation.


Our Fundraising staff are members in good standing of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP). As such, our fundraising team adheres to the AFP Code of Ethical Standards, AFP Donor Bill of Rights and the CAGP Code of Ethics in the work that they do to enhance our organization. Our Director of Fund Development & Communications leading our fundraising team is a Certified Fundraising Executive (CFRE), ensuring our fundraising team members are using current best practices and are dedicated to ethical fundraising.