WSA Town Hall Meeting On June 12th, 2020 at 5:00pm

Dear Family Members, Guardians and Caregivers,

Please join Winnifred Stewart Association’s CEO, Sue Gilchrist, for a Virtual Town Hall Meeting on Friday, June 12th, 2020, at 5 pm. It is your opportunity to get updates on our services and to ask any questions.

Following are four ways you can log into the meeting on Zoom; please choose one of them:

  1. One-Click on your computer!

To join Sue on Zoom, please click on the following link at 5 pm:

  1. Log into and type in the following codes:

Meeting ID:         391 612 8237

Password:           13573

  1. One tap mobile:

+16475580588,,3916128237# Canada

+17789072071,,3916128237# Canada

  1. Join the meeting on your phone:

Phone: 1 (587) 328-1099 

Meeting ID: 391 612 8237

Password: 13573

If you are unable to attend this Virtual Town Hall Meeting, and you have questions for Sue, please don’t hesitate to call her at 780-453-6707 e251 or send her an email at