Winnifred Stewart Winning Recipient of Kuby's Clean Energy Giveaway

Kuby Renewable Energy awards Winnifred Stewart with solar panel installation

Through Real Talk by Ryan Jespersen, Winnifred Stewart was voted to receive a solar energy system

Edmonton, AB, Friday, Nov 4th, 2022— Kuby Renewable Energy partnered with Real Talk by Ryan Jespersen to gift one winner 30 years of clean energy. This giveaway was launched via Ryan Jespersen’s podcast to recognize Albertans who give back to their community, aiding their initiatives with more sustainable energy consumption. Real Talk listeners were provided with the top three submissions, shortlisted by Kuby Renewable Energy and, after a public vote, Winnifred Stewart was announced as the winner!

CEO, Jake Kubiski and COO, Adam Yereniuk of Kuby Renewable Energy are both committed to ensuring their organization prioritizes giving back to their community. “Over the years we have donated to different groups or organizations that provide clean water and give power to those in need,” says Adam. “We wanted to bring this kind of initiative more local and give back to our community.”

Winnifred Stewart is dedicated to connecting individuals to their communities. They offer various community and facility-based programs that work to assist individuals with a diverse range of abilities to lead fulfilling lives as integral members of their own communities.


“This installation is really important to the people we serve and our organization,” says Emily Ruttan, CEO of Winnifred Stewart. “We have a number of homes where we support individuals, and the built environment really impacts people’s comfort in their home, especially those with health conditions. The solar install allows us to maintain the environment in a more comfortable way while keeping costs down. Additionally, with the rising cost of energy, climate change, weather variability and the need to regulate internal environments, the homes need to have A.C. I think it's amazing that Kuby Renewable Energy is doing this kind of work and investing in their community. They take away the guess work that people have for installing a solar array on a residential or commercial building”.

Edmonton sadly lost a pillar figure of their community, Joey Moss. Winnifred Stewart was overjoyed to be the recipient of this giveaway. The house that was named in honour of Joey—Joey’s House will be fitted for the brand-new solar panel system. “Joey’s Home is a perfect fit for solar-power creation! Joey Moss was a leader in our community, so it is fitting that Joey’s House can become a great example of reducing the environmental footprint of the built environment.”

Both Kubiski and Yereniuk have expressed their excitement that Winnifred Stewart was selected as winner of the solar system. “I am happy that this will provide them with lower operating costs,” Kubiski shares. “They can take these savings and put them towards their residents, programs or other areas of need.”

Read more about it here