Monday, November 23, 2020
Edmonton, AB - The Winnifred Stewart Association is overwhelmed by the community’s support of the EE Football Club's 50/50 event, in support of WSA's Joey Moss Memorial Fund.
On Sunday, November 22, the EE Football Club hosted an Alberta-wide online 50/50 event, sponsored by Sentinel Storage, in support of WSA’s Joey Moss Memorial Fund, with a total pot value of $991,800. The largest 50/50 in the Team’s history was $871,839, set at the July 14, 2017 home game against Ottawa.
With the owner of the winning ticket bringing home $495,900, the EE Football Club will be donating the remainder of the earnings, nearly half a million, to the Winnifred Stewart Association's Joey Moss Memorial Fund.
“We are beyond grateful to the EE Football Club and each and every Albertan who purchased a 50/50 ticket today. The outpouring of community spirit is overwhelming. The support in honour of Joey Moss to continue his legacy of advocating for people with developmental disabilities will truly make a difference is so many people’s lives.” says, Sue Gilchrist, CEO for the Winnifred Stewart Association.
Funds raised by Winnifred Stewart Association's Joey Moss Memorial Fund will be used to continue Joey's legacy of advocating for employment and other meaningful opportunities for people with developmental disabilities by:
Launching an awareness campaign to promote the value of employing people with developmental disabilities
Fostering employment & entrepreneurship opportunities for people with developmental disabilities
Supporting the success of programs focused on employment and other meaningful opportunities for people with developmental disabilities
For more information about the 50/50 event, as well as the winning ticket number, please visit
Media Contact:
Candace Smallwood
Director of Development & Communications
Winnifred Stewart Association & Foundation